Friday, October 12, 2007

Homesick Birthday

Never would I have imagined that on my 29th birthday I would be in Ghana, Africa.

I have yet to discover what celebrating my birthday Ghanaian-style actually means, as the events will happen this evening at a party hosted by a fellow JHR trainer, Jessie, whose birthday was on Tuesday. My birthday is today (Friday, October 12). We will celebrate together with Ghanaian friends she (who has been here for three months) and I (who has been here just over a week) have made along the way, and other obruni (white folk).

It is an odd feeling being away from those closest to you on the day you were born, particularly my mother and father. I have never been off the continent believe it or not on this day and have always had a chance to see friends and family within a few days of October 12 in all previous years.

Today I have experienced my first bout of homesickness. My first yearn to be with those closest to me, despite my excitement to celebrate this evening. I will be sure to fill you in on the details once it's all said and done.

So, just wanted to say to all of you that I am thinking of you, missing you and wishing you well.

Happy Birthday to me!


R said...


Brian W said...


Happy Birthday from Brian & Linda in Texas.
I hope you are enjoying your adventure. I wish I was there with you... Oh well, back to work now.

Enjoy your Birthday!!!



Unknown said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABE!!!!!!!!! We will toast your 29th year tonight...or where you are, tomorrow that's a Sophie tribute!

Love you,
Amy Staggs

Unknown said...

Happy belated birthday Soph!!!

Looking forward to hearing all the details in the upcoming months.

Hope you had a really great time Ghanaian style!