Saturday, October 6, 2007

Yummy in my tummy!

Though I swore I would be, I have not been very cautious when it comes to what I put into my belly here in Accra, Ghana.

My theory is my system has to adjust at some point since I will be here for eight months, so why not get it over with.

Meat, including chicken, beef, sausage (yes family, sausage!!!) and even goat soup (yes goat!) has been on the menu so far.

My favourite dish a mix of red red (beans in a spicy red sauce), rice, fried fish and fried plantain (ahh plantain is so good!). My least desired Banku (doughy ball of cornmeal with a very oddly flavoured soup filled with goat intestines). I gagged and spat it out upon my first taste. I have yet to try Fufu and anything mixed with grass cutter (some kind of rodent similar to a rat!).

I have eaten at a bunch of places including western type establishments in Osu (a busy part of Accra where white folk live and hangout) to authentic roadside chopbars serving what tasted like mom's home cooking Ghanaian-style.

Though coffee is definitely here- finding it is another issue. So my four coffees a day have dwindled down to one, if I'm lucky. Being a juice fanatic I have managed to track down something similar to Sunny D - like tang - or any other overly-sweet orange drink you my have tasted. Healthy!

In Osu, there is a supermarket called Koala, which apparently has many many western items including a cheese bar. I plan to make a visit today (Saturday) to pick up some groceries for the new place (to be explained in another blog).

Alcohol, you ask? Beer is quite tasty, but not the 14 per cent alcohol content as I was told about before arriving here. I have taken to Star, about 5. 7 per cent alcohol level, similar to Heineken. Also tried a liquor called Cardinal - syrupy strawberry-flavoured stuff - and strong!

Despite a few severe stomach cramps Friday and a bout of diarrhea today ... so far, so good ... knock on wood!


fine_chyna said...

They have Star beer?! They have that in Indonesia too! It's totally like Heineken.

It's called "Bintang," which means Star though:P

Glad to hear you're alive.

betsy said...

Let me know how the rat is....j-u-s-t kidding.

enjoy yourself
learn everything
teach us
come home safe and sound

(and by home i mean austin, of course.)

mucho kissimo,

Duggan said...

BETSY hooked me up with your blog address you blonde! BTW I hung out with BC yesterday and then B and Nicolette and some guy named James did the worship at Mosaic ... the good stuff!

There was a horrible story about rape in Congo in the NY Times by Jeffrey Gettleman ... led in part by the Rastas who are supposedly escaped Hutu genocidaires .....